Listen to (and SUPPORT!) Baton Rouge Community Radio for the ONLY independent community media outlet in Baton Rouge bringing you the voices of:
Ta-Nehasi Coates, Cornel West, and others on terror in Charlottesville, white supremacy, fears of ‘good negro government’ and reparations for slavery;
Louisiana All-American Sports with Arthur “Silky Slim” Reed in his own words on justice for Alton Sterling;
Where the Alligators Roam interviewing Nancy Maclean on her book “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America” and the links between Massive Resistance to racial integration and Governor Jindal’s deconstruction of Louisiana state government
Rev. Welton Gaddy on ‘How Jesus Joined the GOP‘ and ‘Jesus Rode a Donkey: Why Millions of Christians are Democrats’;
The Ralph Nader Radio Hour in conversation with James Whitman, author of ‘Hitler’s American Model’ on Nazi modeling of the antisemitic Nuremberg Laws on American immigration law and anti-miscegenation statutes;
CounterSpin on the ongoing resistance to the Dakota Access and Bayou Bridge pipelines in Nebraska, North Dakota (And Louisiana!)
Making Contact on the murder of George Jackson and the prison abolition movement