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Get Involved In Community Radio

If you’ve listened to 96.9 on your radio dial in Baton Rouge, you’ve probably noticed that our signal is nowhere on par with WFMF, WYNK, or even KLSU.  That’s because we are a different kind of radio station.  We are a “low power FM” or LPFM station, for short.  We have 100 watts of power, similar to that of an old light bulb.  Like that light bulb, we want to use that 100 watts to illuminate, not just a room, but a whole community.

Baton Rouge Community Radio needs the community to succeed.

We aren’t talking about money, though that is always welcome.  (See the donation box on the side to help us get our internet stream running.)  We need your eyes.  We need to know what is great about Baton Rouge so we can share it with the rest of the city.  We need your ears.  We want to know the sounds around town that are undiscovered that should be shared with our city.  We need your voice.  We need you to help tell these stories, be it by recording interviews, connecting us with the people that you know, or hosting a show of your own.

We have this great canvas for the community.  Don’t let it go to waste. If you would like to have a show on WHYR, please send an e-mail to  If you want to help out in other capacities, send us an e-mail to

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Thank You For Making Radiopalooza A Success

After months of hard work and planning, another Radiopalooza has come and gone. To all of the community members, thanks for coming out even when the weather did not look its best and opening up your hearts and wallets to raise funds for a community radio station.

To all of the volunteers that sold tickets, served drinks, carried guitar cases, ran sound, served food, sold merchandise, set up tents, painted signs and banners, and so many more things that make something like this possible, we thank you.

To Launch Media, Lamar, Joule Energy, SPLL, Mid City Bikes, Noelie Harmon, Loft 3H, and Plumbers And Pipefitters Local Union 198, thank you for sponsoring this event.

Special thanks to all of the bands that came out and played for us for free to support such a great project. Without you, there isn’t a festival. Thanks for playing your hearts out. That’s Elsah, Flatbed Honeymoon, Fugitive Poets, Bill Kimbrell Trio, Soul Express Brass Band, Elvin Killerbee, England in 1819, Teen Hustle, Wordplay, Circa Amore, Coobie Joe Band, The Buskers. DJ OttO, DJ T-Rex, DaBlenda, and Matt.Cee. Y’all were all amazing.

I’m sure there are people I’ve forgotten. That’s not unusual. What is unusual is a broad group of the community coming together to support a project that they believe in and want to see succeed. That’s what Radiopalooza is really all about. If you played any role in that, we appreciate it and can’t wait to see you next year for an even bigger and better event.

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Radiopalooza Is April 21

The 2nd Annual Radiopalooza is fast approaching on April 21 at Beauvoir Park.  Tickets are now on sale for just $10 at  That’s also the place you want to go to keep up with the latest announcements and lineup additions.  Your ticket purchase for Radiopalooza funds the operating cost of this all volunteer community radio project.