Beginning Saturday December 3rd, WHYR will host its annual end-of-year pledge drive. As you consider where to donate your dollars this season of giving, please know that WHYR counts on and deeply appreciates your support to sustain our station’s operations.
Your support will allow WHYR to:
- Feature diverse, locally produced programming. Our talk programming informs listeners on important community issues including Metro Council votes, candidates for local office, and special events. Our music shows feature local musicians and a variety of genres including jazz, blues, Cajun, zydeco, and hip hop.
- Bring fresh perspectives to the local airwaves. We continue to be the only local radio outlet for national programming such as Democracy Now!, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, and State of Belief.
- Amplify what is best about Baton Rouge. Whether through our local shows or public service announcements, we serve as a microphone to broadcast the work and messages of local non-profits and individuals who are bringing positive changes to our city.
Visit us online at whyr.org/support to make a one-time or sustaining tax-deductible donation. Thank you for listening and thank you for your support!
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