Once upon a time there was a young man who landed an audition for a television game show called “The All-New Dating Game.” The format of the show was simple: a beautiful young lady or attractive young man would sit on one side of a partition and lob questions dripping with sexual innuendo at three hot contestants of the opposite sex on the other side of the partition. They, in turn, would ad-lib predictably risqué (but funny) answers. The object was for Beauty to pick one contestant to take on an all-expense-paid super date funded by the show. It was all good, clean-ish fun.
How the young man…let’s call him Rupert – Rube for short…ended up in Los Angeles where the audition was being held is irrelevant. Suffice it to say that one fine day (most days were fine in L.A.) there he was, standing in line outside of a television studio with 100 other guys like him. An hour later, he was still there, still with 100 guys, except most of them were behind him instead of in front of him. Eventually he made it inside, where he waited another 30 minutes to be invited into the bowels of the building. There he found a table with five or six people seated behind it, a chair in front of it, and a doctor’s privacy partition to the side of it. A young lady behind the partition (she sounded young anyway, but in Hollywood you never know) asked five or six of the kind of questions Beauty was going to ask. He responded as wittily as he could…and got the gig. Continue reading KOOL-AID